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Interactive Science Notebook


What is the purpose of the notebook?

The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable you to be a creative, independent thinker and writer.  Your interactive notebook will be used for class notes, as well as for other activities and labs where you will be asked to organize and express your own ideas and process the information presented in class.


How should my notebook be organized?

Your notebook will be organized by page numbers.  We will keep a Table of Contents that will match all of your classmates. If you run out of room on a page, you can attach additional paper at the bottom and fold it up into your notebook. 


How will my notebook be graded?

Notebooks will be checked twice each quarter. This does not mean that you have the whole quarter to complete assignments. I will collect loose homework assignments and grade them before you place them permanently in your notebook. Homework assignments that are to be completed directly in your notebook will be checked off at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. All class notes and notebook assignments should be included, even for the days when you were absent.  An important part of your notebook is its visual appearance.  Your notebook should be neat! Each entry should be titled and dated. Your artistic touch should be visible throughout the notebook.


What happens if I am absent?

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain notebook information from either a peer or your teacher before or after school.


What happens if I have questions about my notebook?

If you ever have any questions about your notebook please come and ask your teacher for help before or after school.  You must set up a time with your teacher.


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